A.J. Juliani – Designer Level: Innovative Teaching Academy
- Habit 8: Connect with One New Person Each Week (3:34)
- Habit 9: Share Other People’s Work! (1:58)
- Habit 10: Affirm your goals every day (4:29)
- Bonus Habit: Take Chances Out of Comfort Zone (4:49)
- Connecting Your Process with Your Goals (5:14)
- Week 14 Question: What is your background and use of Design Thinking? Share your experience (or knowledge) with the academy!
- Week 14 Video: An Interview on Creativity with Harvard’s Edward Clapp
- Week 14 Resource: IDEO’s Design Thinking for Educators Toolkit
- Week 14 Article: Frequently Asked Questions about Design Thinking from John Spencer
- Week 15 Question: Where can you apply the LAUNCH Framework moving forward in your creative work?
- Week 15 Article: 3 Great Examples of Design Thinking in Action
- Week 15 Video: TED Talk- How to Make Toast
- Week 15 Resource/Activity: Apollo 13 Rescue (created by NJ Educators)
- Week 16 Question: What have you made and not “launched” to an authentic audience? What is holding you back?
- Week 16 Article: 29 Practical Ways to Empower Your Students (thanks to all who shared their ideas)
- Live AMA with John Spencer – Thursday 7/20 at 9pm EST
- Week 16 Resource: 45 Design Thinking Resources to Lead This Movement via Saga Briggs
- Week 17 Question: What is the role of “marketing” in learning and education (and leadership)?
- Week 17 Video: Why We Are All in Sales (Dan Pink Interview)
- Week 17 Activity: Pitch Your Idea Shark Tank Style
- Week 17 Article: How to Get Your Ideas to Spread (Seth Godin)
- Lesson 1: What the heck is Design Thinking? (4:02)
- Lesson 2: Why it matters in schools (not just business) (6:00)
- Lesson 3: The LAUNCH Cycle (a K-12 Framework for Design Thinking) (47:16)
- Lesson 4: Design Sprint (Mini-Genius Project) (7:50)
- Lesson 5: Look, Listen, and Learn (3:56)
- Lesson 6: Ask Tons of Questions (3:19)
- Lesson 7: Understanding the Problem and/or Process (2:04)
- Lesson 8: Navigating Ideas (P.A.R.T.S) (4:15)
- Lesson 9: Creating Prototypes (3:15)
- Lesson 10: Highlight and Fix (3:33)
- Lesson 11: Launch It Into the World (your audience) (2:58)
- Lesson 12: Getting Students ed with Design Thinking (K-2, 3-5)
- Lesson 13: Getting Students ed with Design Thinking (6-8, 9-12)
- Lesson 14: Getting Staff ed with Design Thinking – The Ultimate Faculty Meeting (6:08)
- Lesson 15: How Design Thinking Can Transform Your Practice (5:12)
- Lesson 16: FAQs (4:20)
- Week 18 Question: What are the learning spaces you work in? Who do they serve?
- Week 18 Article: Reimagining Learning Spaces with Design Thinking (via Ross Cooper)
- Week 18 Video: Four teachers that took classroom design to the next level
- Week 18 Activity: Identify Your Learning Space to Be Transformed
- Week 19 Question: How can learning space design transform teaching, learning, and culture?
- Week 19 Video: Setting Up a Brain Friendly Beautiful Classroom (56:03)
- Week 19 Article: Flexible Seating and Student-Centered Classroom Redesign (via Kayla Delzer)
- Week 19 Resource: The Third Teacher – Designing the Learning Environment for Mathematics and Literacy
- Week 20 Question: Where can you impact or influence design, and make a difference? Share out your spaces!
- Week 20 Resources: Cult of Pedagogy Eye Candy
- Week 20 Article: Your Classroom Doesn’t Have to Be Like Pinterest
- Week 20 Video: Classroom Makeovers to Engage Learners (via 5 Min Film Festival)
- Week 21 Question: What is your mantra for this school year?
- Week 21 Activity: Twitter Chat on August 22nd, 9pm EST – #ITA17Chat2
- Week 21 Article: Seven Mantras for the New School Year
- Week 21 Video: Live Google Hangout with Kayla Delzer (TopDogTeaching) in Her Newly Designed Classroom – Thursday, August 24th, 4:30EST
- Week 22 Question: How do authentic learning spaces (online and face-to-face) inspire authentic learning?
- Week 22 Live Video: Kayla Delzer (TopDogTeaching.com) live Hangout with her classroom transformation (Thursday 4:30EST)
- Week 22 Resource: At Home in the Classroom
- Week 22 Article: Hey Disney, Here is What the Modern Classroom Looks Like
- Lesson 1: Not All Learning Spaces are Created Equal (2:54)
- Lesson 2: Using Design Thinking for Learning Space Redesign (2:58)
- Lesson 3: Where to ?
- Lesson 4: Research and the Impact of Learning Spaces
- Lesson 5: Learning Space with Technology
- Lesson 6: Making Change Happen in Your Space
- Lesson 7: Getting the Community Involved
- Lesson 8: Case Study with Joy Kirr
- Lesson 9: Case Study with Jen White
- Lesson 10: Case Study with Aaron Mauer
- Lesson 11: Case Study with Jacqueline Durant-Harthorne
- Lesson 12: Redesigning Learning Spaces Webinar with Tom Murray and Ben Gilpin
- Lesson 13: Setting Up a Brain-Friendly, Beautiful Classroom with Erin Klein (56:03)
- Lesson 14: 5 Steps to Your Redesign (2:44)
- Lesson 15: Why Learning Spaces Matter (A Final Call to Action from Edutopia)
- September Course and Weekly Learning Available on September 1st
- Week 23 Question: What are our measurements of learning? How do they match up with our learning experiences?
- Week 23 Resource: The Buck Institute – PBL Resources
- Week 23 Article: Is it a Project or an Activity? Project-Based Learning and its Cousins
- Week 23 Video: Why Project Based Learning via Trevor Muir
- Week 24 Question: How can we transform traditional experiences into PBL experiences?
- Week 24 Resource: Inside Innovation (the new podcast)
- Week 24 Article: The Case for Authentic Assessment (Grant Wiggins)
- Week 24 Video: “Authentic” Assessment at School of the Future
- Week 25 Question: What ways can we assess authentic learning?
- Week 25 Resource: Mount Vernon’s DEEPdt Playbook
- Week 25 Article: What happens when veteran teacher shadows student (via Grant Wiggins)
- Week 25 Video: Lehigh Mountaintop Experience (a look at authentic learning)
- Week 26 Question: What is your biggest takeaway from ITA?
- Lesson 1: Introduction to PBL (3:54)
- Lesson 2: PBL Framework and Essential Elements (3:53)
- Lesson 3: How to Begin PBL (7:31)
- Lesson 4: Inquiry-Based Learning (3:04)
- Lesson 5: Passion-Based PBL (2:48)
- Lesson 6: Problem-Based PBL (1:53)
- Lesson 7: Challenge-Based PBL (2:23)
- Lesson 8: Assessing the Product and the Process (2:32)
- Lesson 9: PBL Tools and Resources (5:30)
Delivery Method
> All courses are available. We will send you the course you purchased via the order email.
> If you can’t find the download link for the course you paid for, please don’t worry about it. We will notify and update you via your email at 7:00 AM – 11:00 PM (UTC)
> In case the link is broken for any reason, please contact us via email [email protected] or live chat on the website. We will resend you a new download link.
> All courses are digital online versions, so you will download and save to your hard drive.
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